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2018 Year In Review | Team Amber Anderson

Home » 2018 Year In Review | Team Amber Anderson

This year I was chosen as the young professional’s network chair for the greater San Diego Association of Realtors. It was a true honor, and what a great way to get all of the top agents in the county together to mix and mingle. I was super proud, I grew the membership from the time I took the position from about 300 members to about 3,000 which was the largest growth for any committee in the entire association.

We were very fortunate this year to be featured on the San Diego Lifestyle TV Show which gets played every Sunday on the local cox channel 4. It is a great show that we were not only able to showcase the properties that we were listing but even the lifestyle that comes with La Jolla. We had a lot of fun with my girl Jen Morris who is the host of the show. You can check all of those episodes on our YouTube channel or on our Facebook page.

Our team is always looking to push ourselves, be innovative, and grow, and one of the things that we did this year was getting more into the vlogging world. Obviously, I was pushed a little more by my video coach David. We started vlogging as a way for our clients to really see the behind the scenes and be along with us as we document the journey of what it takes to get these homes sold. Vlogging was a really fun way to get that message out. We had an opportunity to do some traveling this year. I was able to go to Las Vegas and was a panelist for the Sotheby’s International Realty Global networking event where I talked about video marketing, which as you know I am so passionate about. I was also on a few panels talking about global marketing as we do have a very specific niche with regards to marketing to international buyers. I think one of my favorite things that I was able to do was really bring my portfolio of listings to key theatre markets for San Diego and provide them with the training and an overview for the other Sotheby’s agents of, “what do I do to get my clients home sold. I taught them what I do to market and be one of the top agents in our office here in La Jolla. It was a really nice way for me to not only bring value to other agents but really be proactive in getting our clients listings in front of the agents that have the buyers that can buy them. We had a really fun time! We do have those videos on our YouTube channel if you haven’t checked them out.


Our team is always talking about the importance of the property video when it comes to selling a home and we were super excited we had this amazing property on Hillside Dr. 

Our video crew came in and did a phenomenal job on this video which did sell the property. The property video was able to get that house sold in under 90 days for $6.3 million. It was an amazing sale and the seller and buyer were both very excited. It really comes down to the experience of somebody being able to not just see photography but to experience the emotion in the home, and most importantly, the lifestyle that comes along with it. I think at this point we have sold over $50 million in volume just from thevideos of our property listings. We will definitely continue to make amazing videos and do the best we can for our clients.


Our team hosts a lot of events throughout the year. Whether it is with life lounge or our private client events. My favorite event of the entire year is our end of the year client appreciation holiday party which we hosted this year at the La Valencia hotel. It was a wonderful time for us to spend time with our clients, friends, and partners who have supported us throughout the entire year. It is just a time to shower them with some love in a setting that is so magical. It was a true success and we are looking forward to next years party.


It was such an honor to make it in the top 5% in all of the agents in all of the agents in San Diego county. We were honored at the SDAR gala recently, and I was also nominated as realtor of the year. A great way for us to really see the benefits of all of the hard work that we put into this. And again, it is because of our amazing clients and the support we have from all of you that we were able to make those goals happen this year.


I wanted to share and truly say thank you for all of your support. We couldn’t of done it without you

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