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Girl Force USA- Making a Difference

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2016 Girls Leadership Summit Presented by Fox Sports San Diego

SEP 14, 2016

San Diego, California, September 14, 2016 ( – A young girl’s dreams, hopes and aspirations are to be cherished. Far too often society has a way of muting these precious voices. A longtime champion for empowering young woman to reach the apex of their professional & personal development, Noel Delgado founded “Girl Force USA”. Girls Force USA is a non-profit with the goal of curating an environment where girls become agents of change, while nurturing the growth of strong leadership values and activity within our community.

The 2016 Girls Leadership Summit will be the highlight of the year and will encompasses the organizations true mission. Participants can expect extraordinary lessons in leadership that will empower them in all their future endeavors.


On October 1st & 2nd, Delgado has organized “Girls Leadership Summit”. Delgado has enlisted the assistance of Amber Anderson, who has a long history of giving back through Youth Financial Literacy lectures given over the years to local high schools. Understanding the pivotal role leadership plays in a young woman’s life, numerous high profile and recognizable faces in the community will be speaking at the two day event. San Diego Chief of Police Shelly Zimmerman, 93.3 Host “Geena the Latina”, Director of Marketing at Fox Sports San Diego; Megan Tolley & Ariel Oriarte, student athlete at Point Loma Nazarene University. All of the keynote speakers have faced adversity and obstacles on their journey to success. Through the intensive 2 day program, participants are encouraged to explore what leadership and community engagement means to them personally.

Now is the time to shape our future leaders, let those powerful voices be heard!

The event will be held at the Great Hall of the International House at UCSD. If you would like to sponsor a participant for the Girls Force USA Summit, please contact Noelle Delgado at 858.922.8204 or email noelle(at)girlforceusa(dotted)com

Source: Girl Force USA

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